Who We Are

Pudding Cup Pictures was founded by Lily Riccio and Arianna Garcia, two college roommates whose college experience was anything but conventional. Just as they were about to embark upon a new journey at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, the universe had other plans.

With their freshman year fully remote due to a global pandemic, they took to their televisions, finding comfort in familiar worlds when they could barely recognize their own. Revisiting childhood favorites like Fantastic Mr. Fox and Coraline sparked a renewed interest in animated content, with both girls identifying its limitless potential for deeply impactful stories and fantastical worlds. When they finally set foot on campus, they knew what they had to do.

By tapping into the reservoir of creative talent at USC, Lily and Arianna created a space for innovative content to be produced outside of the confines of live-action. And so, Pudding Cup Pictures was born.

The Team

What We Do

Our goal is to bring innovative, authentic stories to the screen by partnering with the talented writers, animators, and producers within our student community. Our comprehensive, full-service approach means we’re supporting our artists every step of the way; we help them develop their ideas, produce them through a collaborative pipeline, and distribute their work to an eager audience.

A pudding cup is a treat you tear open at the end of a long day. The best stories possess this same craveable quality; we find solace in them, we savor them, and we constantly seek them out when life gets hard. These are Pudding Cup Pictures.